Healgen 5 Panel Drug Test Cup +AD HCDOAV-254A3


25 Drug Test Cups Per Box

Gloves included

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Healgen 5 Panel Drug Test Cup + AD

Healgen  5 Panel Drug Test Cup is the one of the most reliable and cost effective drug test we offer.  One step, fully integrated self contained drug screening cup. FDA Approved and CLIA Waived drug test. Sold in boxes of 25 tests.  Available in multiple panel configurations.


Healgen 5 Panel Drug Test Configuration:



Built-In Adulteration Strip Test For:
Oxidants, Specific Gravity, and pH


Features and Benefits

  • Simple, One-Step drug test cup
  • Results in 5 minutes or less
  • Long-lasting results, stable for up to 1 hour
  • 99% Accurate
  • Set to SAMSHA cut-off levels
  • FDA 510 (K) Cleared
  • CLIA Waived
  • Sold in boxes of 25 test


Drug Screen Procedure:

  1. Donor provides urine specimen in cup.
  2. Once the urine sample has been collected, firmly screw the cap onto the cup.
  3. Check urine temperature at 2-4 minutes by reading green color on temperature indicator strip.
  4. Donor dates and initials security seal.  Administrator checks cap for tightness and attaches security seal label over cup (optional).
  5. Remove peel-off label.
  6. Read adulteration strip pads between 2 minutes, if applicable.
  7. Read the test results at 5 minutes.  Refer to diagram for test result interpretation.
  8. Positive test results must be confirmed by another test method.

Please refer to package insert for complete instructions

Product Information

Package Insert

Drug Test Cup Instructions


Drug Test Result Forms

Generic Result Form

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Drug Test Cup Instructions

DrugAbbreviationCutoff LevelMinimum Detection TimeMaximum Detection Time
AmphetamineAMP1000 ng/ml 2-7 hours2-4 days
AmphetamineAMP500 ng/ml 2-7 hours2-4 days
Barbiturates BAR300 ng/ml2-4 hours 1-3 weeks
Benzodiazepines BZO / BZD300 ng/ml 2-7 hours 1-4 days
Buprenorphine BUP10 ng/ml 2-3 hours 1 days
Cocaine COC300 ng/ml1-4 hours2-4 days
Cocaine COC150 ng/ml1-4 hours2-4 days
EDDPEDDP150 ng/ml1-4 hours2-4 days
EcstasyMDMA500 ng/ml 1-3 days1-2 days
MarijuanaTHC50 ng/ml 2 hours up to 40 days
MethadoneMTD / MAD300 ng/ml3-8 hours 1-3 days
MethamphetaminemAMP / MET1000 ng/ml2-7 hours 2-4 days
MethamphetaminemAMP / MET500 ng/ml2-7 hours 2-4 days
Morphine MOP / OPI-300300 ng/ml2 hours 2-3 days
OpiatesOPI2000 ng/ml2 hours 2-3 days
OxycodoneOXY100 ng/ml1-3 hours 1-2 days
PhencyclidinePCP25 ng/ml4-6 hours 7-14 days
PropoxyphenePPX300 ng/ml1-2 days N/A
Tricyclic AntidepressantsTCA1000 ng/ml 8-12 hours2-7 days
* Detection times are not guaranteed.

This assay provides only a preliminary test result. A more specific alternative chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary results are positive.

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